Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hack Fun 1 : Hiding your secret files

Title: Hiding your secret files on fly

Here is a fun hacking trick,where you can store your SECRET files in a folder and lock it using a simple BAT file. Later if someone tries to access that folder it will lead them to Control panel instead of opening the folder. You can retrieve those files using  one more unlock BAT file. You can hide your folders whereever you go keeping these BAT files in your PENDRIVE. Here we go

Hack Step 1: Create a folder on desktop and name it as folder
Hack Step 2: Now you can put all your secret files into this folder
Hack Step 3: Now open a notepad and copy and paste this into that ren folder folder.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Hack Step 4: Now save that notepad as lock.bat and save it on desktop
Hack Step 5: Phew!! now you have the lock, its time to create a key for that.
Hack Step 6: Open another notepad and paste this into that  ren folder.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} folder
Hack Step 7: Save this file as key.bat and save it on desktop
Hack Step 8: Here we go for HACK FUN: Hiding your secret files !!! double click on lock.bat
Hack Step 9: Can you make out the change in folder which you created on desktop?? Try to open that
Hack Step 10: That will lead you to Control panel. To unlock that folder double click on that key.bat file

Thats it, now you can hide your Secret Files :-)
For any query regarding this, mail me at
Happy Hacking Time.

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